Ash Dieback Specialist

Ash Dieback Treatment in Oxfordshire

Looking for help with Ash Dieback in Oxfordshire?

We specialise in providing expert assistance with Ash Dieback management in Oxfordshire. Reach out to us to learn how we can support your efforts in combating this issue effectively.

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Ash Dieback, also known as Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (formerly Chalara fraxinea), is a serious fungal disease that affects Ash trees, causing leaf loss, crown dieback, and bark lesions. First reported in Poland in 1992, this disease has since spread across Europe, including widespread occurrences in the UK, drastically affecting the ash tree population.

Identifying ash dieback early is crucial for managing its spread and mitigating its impact. Key symptoms to look out for include:

  • Dark patches on leaves:  Usually developing in the summer, these can expand and cause the leaf to wilt.
  • Lesions on the bark: These diamond-shaped lesions form on the bark and can expand to girdle branches or stems, leading to dieback.
  • Dying tops of trees: As the disease progresses, the upper parts of the trees show marked thinning and dieback.

The fungus spreads primarily through wind-blown spores, typically between July and October. It can also be transmitted via the movement of infected nursery stock or when contaminated tools are used on healthy trees. The spores are most prolific when conditions are moist, facilitating rapid spread over large areas.

While there is currently no cure for ash Dieback, effective management strategies can help control its impact:

  • Resistant varieties: Research into breeding ash trees that are resistant to the disease is ongoing. Planting these varieties can gradually replace susceptible populations.
  • Good hygiene practices: Cleaning tools and machinery after working with infected trees can prevent the spread to healthy areas.
  • Regular monitoring: Early detection through regular tree health checks can help in the timely management of the disease.

Ash Dieback not only affects the health of trees but also has a profound impact on biodiversity. Ash trees are a key component of woodland ecosystems, supporting various species of birds, insects, and fungi. The loss of these trees leads to reduced habitat diversity and altered ecosystems.

Comprehensive Ash Dieback Assessment

We offer a comprehensive ash dieback assessment service across Oxfordshire, aimed at identifying and managing this serious tree disease. Ash dieback, caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, poses a significant threat to ash trees, leading to leaf loss, crown dieback, and ultimately tree death. Our team conducts thorough inspections to detect early signs of the disease, assessing the extent of infection and the overall health of affected trees.

Strategic Management and Treatment

Upon identifying ash dieback, we can implement strategic management and treatment plans tailored to each situation. Our approach includes the careful removal of severely infected trees to prevent the spread of the disease and the use of fungicidal treatments where appropriate. By employing best practices in disease management, we can help to mitigate the impact of ash dieback on individual properties and the wider environment, aiming to preserve as many healthy trees as possible.

Safe and Efficient Tree Removal

In cases where tree removal is necessary,we can ensure the process is carried out safely and efficiently. Our team is trained in the latest safety protocols and uses advanced equipment to remove infected trees with minimal disruption to the surrounding area. This careful approach not only addresses the immediate threat posed by ash dieback but also protects other trees and vegetation from potential damage during the removal process.

Ongoing Monitoring and Support

We can provide ongoing monitoring and support to property owners dealing with ash dieback. Our services include regular inspections to monitor the health of remaining ash trees and advice on replanting with resistant species. By offering continuous support, we help clients manage their landscapes sustainably and effectively, ensuring long-term resilience against ash dieback and other tree health challenges in Oxfordshire.